WORD Christchurch Invites Everyone To Share Your Snapshot Of ...

10 Jun 2024

Monday, 10 June 2024, 11:21 am
Press Release: Word Christchurch

Share your Christchurch with us in a super-short snippet of writing and be a part of a special mural project at The Crossing this spring. It could be a tiny poem, a memory, a statement, a wish, or a story about the city. Anything goes, and anyone can enter - submit your words (no more than 100) on the WORD Christchurch website by 15 July. See all the selected pieces brightening up The Crossing from late August all through spring.

WORD Christchurch showcases the best writers from here and around the world each spring during their annual festival, but various free projects make sure everyone gets the chance to get creative during the festival too. Last year a letter writing station proved popular at Tūranga, with hundreds of letters written by, and distributed to members of the public around the central city. This year submissions are open for a large-scale public artwork in Kettlewell Lane, one of the areas around The Crossing.

WORD Christchurch Programme Director Kiran Dass says “we’re all good at posting short quips and reckons on social media, so we’re encouraging everyone to take it to the next level and put their mark on a central city laneway. Selected pieces will be up for a few months, and the writers will each receive a prize for their efforts.”

Ōtautahi is Flash! is a collaboration between WORD Christchurch and At The Bay, with the support of The Crossing and Christchurch City Council.

WORD Christchurch takes place 27 August - 1 September 2024 at venues across the city. The programme will be launching at a public event on Wednesday 3 July at Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū. All welcome.

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