Lunar New Year Festival In The Running For Wellington Airport ...

7 hours ago

Friday, 25 October 2024, 9:17 am Press Release: Wellington Airport Community Awards

Wellington airport - Figure 1
Lunar New Year 2024 (Photo/Supplied)The Asian Events Trust is nominated for the People’s Choice Award in this year’s Wellington Airport Regional Community Awards for its Lunar New Year Festival, which drew in over 30,000 attendees, with an extra 16,000 online.The festival won the Arts and Cultural category in the Local Awards and will now represent Wellington City in the finals.To vote, click here to access the online voting form and select the Asian Events Trust.

Following its win in the Arts and Culture category at the Wellington City Community Awards, the Asian Events Trust is proud to represent Wellington City in the regional finals of the Wellington Airport Regional Community Awards.

Over the past 20 years, the Wellington Lunar New Year Festival has become a much-loved event that showcases the heart and soul of Wellington’s diverse communities.

Asian Events Trust Chair, Linda Lim, says, “The festival is a full-on, two-week celebration of culture and collaboration. It would not be possible without the continued support of the wider Wellington community, who get behind us every year.”

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“Every vote for us is a vote for the volunteers, supporters, and participants who make this event possible.”

With over 500 volunteers contributing each year, the festival continues to bring together both Asian and non-Asian communities in a truly inclusive celebration.

“Wellington’s festival is known as far away as Hong Kong, as a colourful New Year Celebration with a distinctly local twist.”

Voting is open to the public from 9am Friday 25 October until 9am on Monday 4 November. Everyone who votes will be entered into a draw to win a $500 shopping spree at Wellington Airport.

About the Awards:

The Wellington Airport Community Awards are a celebration of the valuable contributions made by volunteers. The Asian Events Trust is a finalist for the Arts and Culture awarded for enhancing and increasing participation in arts and creative leisure activities. Members of the public have an opportunity to vote for the finalists in the Regional People’s Choice Award.

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