Evacuation Alert Issued For Part Of Spring Creek nr Blenheim ...

19 days ago

Thursday, 11 April 2024, 9:51 pm Press Release: Marlborough District Council

Spring Creek - Figure 1
Photo Scoop.co.nz

Marlborough Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) is advising some residents in the township of Spring Creek near Blenheim to evacuate their homes by 9am tomorrow morning.

Heavy rain in the upper Wairau catchment is expected to raise the Wairau River level significantly tomorrow, Friday 12 April, from around 9am to 5pm. At Spring Creek the river is expected to reach between 3,300 and 3,600 cubic metres (cumecs) per second after 9am, and residents of Dodson, Hathaway and March streets, and part of Ferry Road, are advised to relocate as a precaution for the day. The Peninsula Road stop bank is potentially compromised due to previous storm events and seismic activity.

Twenty Civil Defence and iwi volunteers are door knocking and leafletting 70 homes this evening. Residents can evacuate tonight if they wish.

Marlborough CDEM advises:

Stay with friends or family first, make contact sooner rather than laterHave a grab bag readyTake a change of clothes and sleeping bags or blankets for each household memberTake prescription medications, car and house keys and a phone chargerKeep your mobile phone on and charged so you can receive calls and Antenno alertsTake your pets with you - they are your responsibility.

Peninsula Road is closed between Gouland and Ferry roads in Spring Creek. The Wairau Bar Road and Bothams Bend Road may be closed tomorrow as well.

For more information follow Council’s Facebook page and any instructions regarding evacuation, or phone Marlborough CDEM on 03 520 7400 if you need assistance.

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The public can monitor river levels via Flood Watch at https://hydro.marlborough.govt.nz/floodwatch/ download Council’s Antenno app for alerts or go to www.marlborough.govt.nz

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