A Herpetologist Reveals The World's Most Venomous Snake ...

10 Jun 2024

Approximately 10% of the world’s snakes have deadly venoms. Australia’s inland taipan may be the ... [+] most venomous of all.


It’s a difficult task to rank snakes in terms of their deadliness for a variety of reasons. For one, there are so many species of snakes that can kill you. Of the 4,100 known species of snakes in the world, 800 are in the venomous families Elapidae (cobras and their relatives) and Viperidae (vipers)–and many possess venom that, under certain circumstances, could lead to a human fatality if untreated. Examples of these include the deadly pit vipers of the Americas or the kraits of southern Asia. There are also deadly species in other snake families, including several rear-fanged venomous snakes.

That said, a few species of deadly snakes stand out above the rest. Arguably the most “venomous” snake in the world is the inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), native to Australia’s remote interior. This snake is highly elusive and primarily found in areas with sparse vegetation, such as grasslands, scrublands and semi-deserts. Due to its cryptic nature and remote habitat preferences, sightings of the inland taipan are rare, and encounters with humans are extremely uncommon.

In fact, there have been no recorded human fatalities from inland taipan snake bites. Approximately 11 people people are known to have been bitten by the inland taipan, but they all survived due to the correct administration of antivenom and first aid. Most were professional snake handlers bitten by captive specimens.

The highly venomous inland taipan prefers a desert-like habitat, which is why (thankfully) contact ... [+] with humans is rare.


Still, research suggests that a single bite from an inland taipan has enough potency to kill 100 adult men. Here’s how one research study describes the venom potency of the inland taipan:

“The inland taipan, which is found in the arid regions of central Australia, is thought to have the most potent venom of any terrestrial snake. Toxicity studies have determined the LD50 of venom to be 0.010 mg/kg. In addition to its highly potent venom, this snake has the ability to deliver a large yield of venom (mean output of 44 mg). The combination of a highly potent venom with a large yield makes this snake extremely dangerous. The venom of Oxyuranus microlepidotus is more potent than the closely related Oxyuranus scutellatus scutellatus (coastal taipan) and Oxyuranus scutellatus canni (Papuan taipan). The main symptoms of envenoming by O. microlepidotus are life-threatening neurotoxicity, coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia, and renal function impairment. The relatively few cases of envenoming by this species are due to its presence in a sparsely populated area.”

The coastal taipain, shown here, is a close relatives of the dreaded inland taipan, and also ... [+] extremely venomous. As its name implies, this snake can be found in the coastal regions of northern and eastern Australia, as well as on the island of New Guinea.


Let’s break down the technical aspects of this description.

LD50 of 0.010 mg/kg. LD50 stands for “Lethal Dose, 50%.” It's a standard measure used in toxicology to assess the lethality of a substance, such as venom. LD50 represents the dose of a substance that is lethal to 50% of the test population within a specified time frame. In the case of the inland taipan, 50% of the test population (mice were used in this experiment) died when injected with 0.010 milligrams of the venom per kilogram of body weight. Compare this LD50 value to other deadly snakes, such as the black mamba (LD50 of 0.30 mg/kg) or the king cobra (LD50 of 1.8 mg/kg), and you can see just how potent the venom of the inland taipan is. Mean output of 44 mg. Forty-four milligrams equates to how much venom an inland taipan delivers in a typical bite. While this is a sizable amount of venom, it is notably less than the venom amount delivered by other deadly snakes such as the Indian cobra (~170 mg) and the North American eastern diamondback rattlesnake (~400 mg). Of course, this doesn’t matter all that much given that the venom quotient of the inland taipan is so high. Comparisons of the inland taipan to its sister species. The inland taipan is one of three species of Australian snakes in the genus Oxyuranus. The other two are the coastal or Papuan taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus) and the more recently discovered western desert taipan (Oxyuranus temporalis). The inland taipan takes the cake as the most venomous of the three. Its LD50 value is significantly higher than the coastal taipan (~0.1 mg/kg) and the western desert taipan (0.075 mg/kg)–although all of its relatives are extremely deadly in their own right. However, it should be noted that even though the inland taipan is the most venomous, the coastal taipan has killed more people.
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