Road closures for events in Kenilworth 'negatively impacting residents'

30 Jul 2024
Road closures

Town councillors have committed to raising the issue of congestion and safety with local authorities following a complaint about traffic during events in Kenilworth.

A local resident wrote to Kenilworth Town Council to complain about the negative impact on residential roads during major events in the centre of town.

The letter explained when Warwick Road is closed - for the food festival or Clean Air Day for example - traffic is diverted along Waverley Road and Priory Road, causing major problems for locals.

It also said the road was not wide enough to accommodate all the traffic, undermining the safety of pedestrians.

"When events are held in Kenilworth, at the north end of Warwick Road, Abbey End and Abbey Hill, traffic is usually diverted along Waverley Road and Priory Road," the letter said. 

"I would like to make the council aware of the negative impact on residents and non-motorised users accessing the school, church, care homes, train stations and businesses along the route. 

"Furthermore the road is not wide enough to accommodate traffic."

It added: "The question is, can Kenilworth Town Council lobby or liaise with Warwick District Council officers and explore alternative traffic solutions for Kenilworth to limit the impact of closed roads for events and look to ensure these comply with the government's guidance."

In response, Cllr Zoe Leventhal said the council acknowledged the impact of road closures on local residents.

She said the council would commit to raising the problem with the district and county councils, and make sure any diversions met government guidelines.

"We fully take on board the points raised about the impact of this in reality," Cllr Leventhal said at last week's council meeting. 

"In particular the issue whether two-way traffic can proceed down this road, particularly if two buses or other large vehicles are trying to pass alongside a line of parked cars, as is the case for a large part of Waverley and Priory Roads."

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