Princess Anne is marked with a traditional pottu dot as she makes ...

12 Jan 2024
Princess Anne

Princess Anne was marked with a traditional pottu dot as she made an offering at a Colombo temple on the final day of her tour of Sri Lanka today. 

The Princess Royal, 73, visited the Vajira Pillayar Kovil, a Hindu Temple in the capital and receive the blessing of the chief priest this morning.

A string of royal engagements followed from Anne visiting The Mission to Seafarers, an organisation supporting crewmen and women she serves as president, to touring Hatch Works' co-working space to meet start-up companies.

At Anne's final event, a reception marking 75 years of UK-Sri Lankan diplomatic ties, she is expected to say a few words about the relationship between the two countries.

Meanwhile her husband Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, 68, banished bad luck - by smashing a coconut.

Princess Anne was marked with a pottu, a traditional dot upon the forehead, during a visit to the Vajira Pillayar Kovil Hindu temple in Colombo as she concluded her Sri Lankan tour

The Princess Royal, 73, was joined by her husband Sir Timothy Laurence, 68, as they prepared to make an offering

Anne watched as he hurled the fruit to the ground, sending a spray of coconut water over the nearby press and he threw his hands up in amazement.

The couple received a rapturous welcome at the temple and received a blessing from the chief priest, as well as a garland and gifts.

A shimmering scarf of gold and red silk was draped over the princess and her husband's shoulders, a garland of jasmine and rose flowers were placed around their necks and each received a pottu in the middle of their forehead.

Sir Tim was asked to smash the coconut, which is symbolic of getting rid of bad luck and welcoming better fortunes.

A procession of female dancers and musicians playing drums and an oboe-like instrument called a Nadaswaram preceded the couple as they walked into the temple.

Inside the huge building the cacophony of the droning music was deafening, and they stood before a shrine to Lord Ganesh and touched an offering of fruit - including pomegranates, mangoes and bananas - betel leaves and a garland of jasmine flowers for the deity.

Chief Priest Sachithanantha Kurukal went into the shrine to conduct the pooja or blessing as Anne and her husband watched, and they later toured the temple viewing the many shrines to Hindu gods.

Outside they were offered the chance to feed sacred cows, a revered animal in Hinduism, and Anne held some vegetation as they munched away.

A shimmering scarf of gold and red silk was draped over the princess's shoulders 

The visit was Anne's final event to mark 75 years of celebration of ties between the UK and Sri Lanka

Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence smashes a coconut, a ritual believed to banish bad luck

White spray went everywhere - but the royal couple will now be honoured with good luck

The couple have been making a three-day trip around Sri Lanka on the request of the government

A procession of female dancers and musicians playing drums and an oboe-like instrument called a Nadaswaram preceded the couple as they walked into the temple

The Princess thanked the dancers during her visit to the temple

Before they left, Anne and Sir Tim were offered the chance to feed sacred cows, a revered animal in Hinduism, and Anne held some vegetation as they munched away

The Princess Royal appeared in good spirits as she was given a flower garland

The visit was a bright spectacle indeed as they donned flower garlands and scarves made from silk

The Princess Royal and her husband Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence are presented with a gift during a visit to Vajira Pillayar Kovil Hindu temple

Chief Priest Sachithanantha Kurukal went into the shrine to conduct the pooja or blessing as Anne and her husband watched

The Princess Royal was presented with a garland upon her arrival

Earlier on, she looked solemn as she laid a wreath at a cemetery in Colombo on the final day of her Sri Lanka tour.  

The Princess Royal visited her first Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) cemetery as the organisation's president, as her tour of Sri Lanka draws to a close.

At the CGWC's Jawatta Cemetery in Colombo, Anne and her husband joined other dignitaries paying their respects to the fallen.

A short service of remembrance featured a bugler playing the Last Post before a minute's silence, where Anne laid a wreath.

During last year's Remembrance weekend it was announced Anne would take on her new role, succeeding the Duke of Kent who had been president since 1970, and the King was announced as the CWGC's first patron.

It has been a visit of much variety - as Anne was also witness to the deadly land mine legacy of Sri Lanka's civil war when she watched workers clearing a site.

The Princess Royal travelled to the former front line of the conflict described as 'brutal' and like the Western Front to learn about efforts to make the area habitable.

During the visit a family who have returned to their homeland after being forced to flee the war welcomed Anne and her husband with lotus flower garlands and performed the namaste greeting which the royal couple returned.

The Princess Royal visited her first Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) cemetery as the organisation's president, as her tour of Sri Lanka draws to a close

The Princess Royal during a visit to Commonwealth War Graves Commission Jawatte Cemetery in Colombo

The Princess Royal pays her respects after laying a wreath at the foot of the War Memorial

Anne toured the cemetery as she took the opportunity to pay her respects

At the CGWC's Jawatta Cemetery in Colombo, Anne and her husband joined other dignitaries paying their respects to the fallen

Anne laid a wreath on the memorial for Commonwealth soldiers who fell in the first and second world wars

The King's sister put on a heavy protective vest before she was given a private tour from the perimeter of an active minefield near the northern city of Jaffna, being cleared by workers from the Halo Trust using machines.

The conflict between armed separatist Tamil Tiger forces and the Sri Lankan Army ended in May 2009 after 26 years, with the government troops claiming a victory that left an estimated 100,000 dead.

Stephen Hall, Halo Sri Lanka programme manager, gave Anne and husband Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence a briefing of the charity's work before they drove to the landmine site.

He told the princess, who is midway through a three-day tour of Sri Lanka, that the area close to their location, Muhamalai near Jaffna, was the forward defence line in the civil war.

'For this think Western Front, First World War, it's very similar. Ten years we had both sides dug in firing at each other, entrenched,' he said.

Mr Hall added: 'It was brutal, it was bloody and there is a lot of ordnance out there to clear.'

Halo's land mine clearance in Sri Lanka has allowed 280,000 displaced people to return to their homelands, with locally trained staff removing more than one million pieces of ordnance that were left by both sides during the war.

He also said: 'We're very much focused on the humanitarian impact of our work - the resettlement of internally displaced people, restoring livelihoods and reconciliation. So clearing explosive ordinance is a means to an end.'

The Princess Royal lights an oil lamp as she arrives to visit the Jaffna Public Library in Jaffna

She received a greeting as she arrived at the library on day two of the tour

The Princess Royal receives a greeting as she arrives to visit the Jaffna Public Library

Jaffna is the centre of Sri Lanka's Tamil community who are rebuilding their cultural heritage after the civil war

Anne met Tamil representatives from the arts, education and local politics and viewed library archives

She toured the public library which is home to more than 200,000 Tamil books and manuscripts

Rasathurai Nallaiah and his wife Kesavi Rasathurai gave the royals a tour of their land, showing them their goats and Anne marvelled at a dusty purple yam the smallholder pulled from the ground.

The displaced family were told to leave their land in 2000 by Tamil Tigers and returned in 2020, after living in the Jaffna area, to an acre of land where they have built a new home and are waiting for an extra four acres to be cleared of munitions.

When told four of their eight children remained at home Anne quipped: 'They are quite useful - not very useful.'

Earlier the princess and her husband visited Jaffna, the centre of Sri Lanka's Tamil community who are rebuilding their cultural heritage after the civil war, and toured the public library which is home to more than 200,000 Tamil books and manuscripts.

When she arrived the princess had a garland placed around her head and a pottu or dot placed on her forehead and met Tamil representatives from the arts, education and local politics and viewed library archives.

On day two of her tour, Princess Anne paid a visit to a sacred Buddhist temple as she kicked off the second day of her Sri Lankan tour to celebrate the UK's ties with the Commonwealth nation.  

She wore white as she paid her respects at the Sacred Tooth Relic, after landing nearby in her helicopter. 

The ancient city of worship in the central city of Kandy is Sri Lanka's most significant Buddhist temple, and is home to a tooth Buddhists believe is from their deity. 

The Princess Royal and her husband Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence visit a resettlement village at the Halo Trust site in Muhamalai during day two of their visit

The Princess Royal is shown a purple yam as she visits a resettlement village at the Halo Trust site in Muhamalai

Her helicopter, provided by the government of the country, followed local protocol when it flew her to the site - and avoided landing on a cricket wicket. 

Anne's first day in South East Asia began with the royal carrying some of her bags down the steps of the plane before starting a busy round of engagements marking the 75th anniversary of Britain's diplomatic links with Sri Lanka.

The princess is visiting the country at the request of the Foreign Office. 

She has been dubbed the King's 'right-hand woman' thanks to her support for her brother, and her reputation as one of the hardest-working royals in Charles's slimmed-down monarchy.

The trip is the royal family's first overseas tour of 2024.

Princess Anne kicked off the second day of her Sri Lanka tour with a visit to the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic in Kandy

A humble Princess Anne carried her own bags off the plane as she arrived at Bandaranaike International Airport in Katunayake with her husband Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence

In 1948 Sri Lanka, then Ceylon, gained its independence after more than a century of British rule.

Anne last visited Sri Lanka nearly 30 years ago in 1995 as patron of Save the Children to see projects supported by the charity.

The King and Queen, as the then-Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall, travelled there in 2013 for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).

Charles carried out solo trips in 2005 in the wake of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami and in 1998 to mark 50 years of the diplomatic relationship between the UK and the republic.

The King and Queen are expected to visit Canada in May, and Australia, New Zealand and Samoa in October.

The Prince and Princess of Wales are reported to be planning to travel to Italy for an official visit this spring.

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