Fall Tourism Outlook in Erie

30 Oct 2023


Sunday, October 29th 2023, 11:55 AM EDT

On Friday, the Erie International Airport announced starting next year, a daily third flight from Erie to Charlotte will be added. This new flight will make it easier for people who want to visit Erie not just in the summer season, but year round.

Many people may view summer as the busiest time for tourists to take a trip to Erie. However, after the sun sets on summer, that doesn't stop people from making trips to the Gem City.
John Oliver, the CEO and President of Visit Erie explained, "As evidenced by the number of conventions that we've had come in already in September, sporting events that are coming in and then just the the leisure visitors."

Meantime flights are booked with people flying in and out of Erie for work and play. Derek Martin, the Executive Director of the Erie International Airport said, "If there's any indication now, you know American just did the third flight in September or it was filled to capacity at 95% load factor. And if I look at American's numbers throughout the whole year I believe that there are 96% capacity from January through the end of September."

The fall season in Erie offers festivals and events which helps Visit Erie draw people in to see what Erie has to offer in other seasons besides summer. "We're doing promotions that in advertising that will be out in Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Youngstown, Southern Ontario, you know, promoting Erie and we think that, you Visit Erie's app is one of the many ways people can see what there is to do in Erie not just in the summer time but year round.

Martin said flights tend to stay booked as the holiday travel season gets closer over the next few months. "We're booked very heavily as we get into the late fall. Thanksgiving season and Christmas. If you're traveling somewhere, I would suggest that you if you haven't booked you booked early", said Martin.

The Bayfront Convention Center will soon be busy over the next few months with festivals and conventions.

Next weekend, they will be hosting their Holiday Craft and Gift Festival to kick off the holiday shopping season.

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