Mother's Day Poems: Beautiful Mother's Day Poems and Quotes ...

14 May 2023

Mother's Day is a holiday honouring moms, whether they are biological or adopted, as well as


, maternal ties, and the impact women have on society. It is observed on various dates around the world, most frequently in the months of March or May.

We struggle to put into words how significant a role our mother plays in our lives. These children's mother's day poems are dedicated to mothers, who are the reason we are all here.

Happy Mother's Day 2023: Poems

Month of May
For all the diapers
that you changed,
For all the play dates
you arranged.
For all the trips
back and forth to school,
For cleaning all the spit up
and the drool.
Why is there only
one Mother’s Day?
You should have at least gotten
the ENTIRE month of May!
Author — Anon
I’ve made some Mother’s Day flowers,
With my fingers and my thumb,
So you’ll always have these memories,
For all the years to come.
Author — Unknown.

God Created Mothers
When God created mothers,
All as lovely as can be,
He made one extra special,
And saved her just for me!
Author — Holly Giffers

Happy Mother's Day, poem

My mom, she’s the best,
From her head to her toes!
She’s warm, and she’s soft,
And smells as sweet as a rose.
Author — Unknown

You’re da Bomb!
It’s mother’s day,
So thank you, Mom
You ought to know
That you’re da’ bomb!
Author — Anon

Your arms were always open
when I needed a hug.
Your heart understood
when I needed a friend.
Your gentle eyes were stern
when I needed a lesson.
Your strength and love have guided me
and given me wings to fly.
Author — Sarah Malin

Mother's Day 2023,

A Mother
A mother wraps
her love around the heart
of her daughter,
keeping each beat steady
through the rhythm of life,
until wings take shape,
and it’s time for the soul
to take flight.
Author — Christy Ann Martine
The Bond
The bond between a mother and a son is a special one
It remains unchanged by time or distance.
It is the purest love, unconditional and true.
It is understanding any situation and forgiving any mistake.
Author — Unknown
Thank You, Mom
I just want to thank you.
For your warm smiles
Your encouragement
Your words of wisdom
That still guides me today
Thanks for everything
Happy Mother’s Day
Author — C. Harding

Happy Mother's Day 2023, Poem

Mom, You’re the Best
There is no doubt Mom,
you’re the best.
The one and only.
I’m proud to be your son.
And I’d like to thank you for
the loving things you’ve done.
Author — Anon.
The Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you!
Author — Anon
We move as a pair, much like mother and son.
jelly with peanut butter,
star and moon,
these classic combinations
is incomparable to who we are.
Like a mother and son, we travel together.
an unbreakable union.
We are bonded together.
whether you are 7 or 11!
If two things line up
similar to the Sun and the Earth,
there can only be one
father and mother.
Written by Anon
A Mother’s Prayer For You
I prayed on Mother's Day for you
to thank the Lord in heaven for giving me a lifetime.
of your loving kindness.
I gave thanks to God for your concern
for me throughout the years
and the connection we shared
during happy and sad times.
As a result, I sincerely appreciate
everything you've done for me and give thanks to
God for providing me with the best mother imaginable.
I pray to the God to keep you happy
and to make his face to shine upon you and show you kindness;
and also to make peace with you and turn his face to you.

Happy Mother's Day 2023: Quotes


mother's love

is like the sun - always shining, always warm, and always there to brighten your day."
"A mother is the one who sees all, says little, and sacrifices all."
"Being a mother is not about what you gave up to have a child, but what you've gained from having one."
"A mother's love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible."
"A mother is not just someone who gave birth to you, she is someone who raised you, loved you, and supported you in every way possible."
"A mother's love is like a flower - it grows and blooms, bringing beauty and joy to all those around it."
"Motherhood is not a job, it is a calling. A calling to love, nurture, and protect the most precious gift life can give."
"A mother's heart is a deep well of love that never runs dry."
"The greatest gift a mother can give her child is her time, her love, and her unwavering support."
"A mother's love is like a lighthouse - always shining bright, guiding you through life's stormy waters."

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