Mother's Day Gift Guide 2024: The Tastiest Snacks For Travelers To ...

13 days ago
Mother's Day 2024

These tasty snacks and supplements can improve her travel experience.


Packing healthy and nutritious snacks for the road helps travelers to avoid high-sodium and high-fat food often sold in airports. From snacks to supplements, beating jet lag and keeping a wellness routine going on the road are easier with the right diet and exercise. These products make great gifts for the frequent-traveling moms in your life.

Goldthread Tonics

These tonics and shots come in full-sized and travel-friendly bottles perfect to pack for a trip.

Goldthread Tonics

Jet lag and long hours on the road can make people tired, but also can wreak havoc on digestion and circulation. Goldthread Tonics are a natural wellness drink that comes in a range of tonics and shots that can improve your mood, energy, circulation and digestion. Some come in TSA-approved travel bottles that are only 2oz. Others come in larger bottles including Hawaiian Ginger, ideal for promoting digestion, metabolism activation and immunity; Green Minerals to help detoxify the body; and Lavender Bliss to calm nerves after a long trip. Founder William Siff also wrote a book about health and wellness, “The Plant Medicine Protocol,” which is another gift idea for the wellness-focused mom.

Quest protein cheese crackers

These crackers come in small bags ideal to put in her purse or briefcase.


As part of the many travel-friendly snacks from Quest is a new spicy cheddar cheese crackers pack that comes in small bags ideally to take on a trip. Similar to Cheese-Its, but with more of a kick, these snacks include 10 grams of protein and only 130 calories.

Nucific Phyto Control fat and carb-fighting supplement

Reduce cravings and fight fat with this herbal blebd.


Eating healthy when you travel can be tough, and it is easy to put on weight when you cannot control the quality of ingredients you are eating (airport and airplane food, especially). Phyto Control uses herbal ingredients like ID-aIG seaweed extract to help the body digest carbs and fats efficiently and quickly so that they don’t linger and affect the waistline. Other herbs include cinnamon bark extract to boost metabolism, gymnema sylvestre extract to reduce food cravings, and banaba leaf extract to fight fat. One 60-pill bottle retails for $79 with discounts for larger quantities. It’s a great and lightweight item to put in a purse or briefcase and take daily when traveling or at home.

ONX at Home virtual wine tasting kit

This at-home wine tasting is great to enjoy solo or with friends.


After a long trip, it is nice to come home and relax. If she can’t make it to her preferred vineyard, why not bring the California wine country tasting room to her? This box includes four wine samples: one Rosé, one white wine and two red wines. The gift box includes tasting notes about each one along with potential food pairings plus a link that allows her to enjoy a virtual guided wine tasting from an expert. The tasting notes let people have the experience on their own should they choose not to do the guided tasting (which does not cost any extra). The ONX spring tasting kit costs $65 and is a great gift for Mother’s Day or even virtual parties with friends from around the country.

ROAR Organic Plus Hydration Packets

Packed with electrolytes and hydrating ingredients, this is a great tool to beat jet lag and stay ... [+] energized after a long flight.

Roar Plus

Rehydrating with electrolytes during and after a long flight is important to feeling energetic and beating jet lag. These ROAR Organic Plus Powders are in small packets that fit easily into a pocket or purse, and then they can be added to a glass or bottle of water. Additional vitamins include Vitamins B6, B12 and C, Niacin and Zinc without added sugar and only 20 calories per pack.

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