The Manu Masters Is Back And More For Matariki Pwhairangi ...

10 Jun 2024

Monday, 10 June 2024, 4:18 pm Press Release: Matariki Pewhairangi Festival

Matariki - Figure 1
Matariki Pēwhairangi Festival 2024 to deliver over 20 events and feastsThe hugely popular Manu Masters returns to Russell'Pay what you can afford’ and see KŌPŪ at the Turner CentreNew feast added! Hangi at the Honey House CaféTe Tau Hou Maori light and waka spectacular cancelled

Matariki Pēwhairangi Festival will be presenting experiences and feasts all over the Bay of Islands this June and July, with the programme starting on Friday 21 June, the Winter Solstice, and continuing until 14 July.

In addition to previously announced events, the festival has added some new offerings and is bringing back a firm whānau favourite, The Manu Masters! If you ever wanted to showcase your manu skills, this is your chance. The event takes place at Russell (Kororareka) Wharf on Sat 29 June, 10am onwards and will feature a double platform this year so jumpers can choose to level up! There will be lots of prizes up for grabs for those braving the cold winter water. Registration to jump is essential and open now at

Russell Mini Tours have added an experience Discover the Children of Matariki. These 1hr tours will be available every Sunday from 30 June – 21 July, and will take you on a journey around Kororareka’s historical locations, learning about the stars of Matariki as you go. There is also a bonus treasure hunt to find Matariki’s fallen children around town, you can pick up an entry form from the Russell Mini Tours Bus at the wharf and prizes will be awarded weekly.

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Don’t miss the hilarious, KŌPŪ at the Turner Centre in Kerikeri, Tuesday 25 June. This is a cutting edge production that sold out at many arts festivals last year. The ‘pay what you can afford’ ticketing model introduced by the Turner Centre is an amazing way to ensure everyone can experience and enjoy the theatre, even when times are tough. Grab your naughty mates and aunties for an affordable night out.

Head to the historic Kororipo Heritage Park on Matariki, Friday 28 June, for a delicious Hangi set amongst the oldest buildings in the land! Nestled on the banks of the Kerikeri River, behind the Stone Store and Kemp House, is the Honey House Café who will prepare the traditional Hangi. Pre-orders are essential, just pop in to the Honey House Café to book in advance.

Sadly, Te Tau Hou Māori Puanga Matariki Celebrations will not take place in 2024. This free event featured a light show, waka and fireworks, curated to a narrated story and attracted over 5,000 into Paihia last year. Funding to present Matariki events across Aotearoa has been cut and unfortunately this event is a casualty of that. Despite strong local support, organisers have made the hard decision to put the event on hold for this year and hope it can return in the future.

“We were very disappointed to cancel Te Tau Hou Māori Puanga Matariki Celebrations this year as we know how loved the event is and the incredible boost it gives to the region in Winter”, explains Festival Director Jackie Sanders, “We are really proud of the exciting programme we have been able to develop with the funding available and have been able to subsidise many experiences to make them free or more affordable. Mānawatia a Matariki!”

Many of the workshops have now sold out or have limited availability, new venues, special events and feasts have been added. Activities mainly take place over the Matariki long weekend or July School Holidays, a perfect time to take a trip up North with friends and whānau.

The festival has been developed in collaboration with local iwi, business and community partnerships with funding support from MBIE (Regional Events Fund) Northland Inc, Far North District Council, Creative Communities Far North and Pub Charity. Together we will acknowledge this uniquely Aotearoa celebration Te Tai Tokerau style, showcasing the best the region has to offer.

For more detailed information on events and how to buy tickets visit For more Matariki long weekend inspo visit

When: Friday, 21 June – Sunday 14 July

Where: Bay of Islands – Kororareka, Waitangi, Paihia, Kerikeri, Kaikohe and the surrounding areas

Artwork: Our Matariki Pēwhairangi Festival Artist 2024 is Arama Hamiora Davis

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