UFC superstar Israel Adesanya has pleaded guilty to drink driving.

Adesanya arrived at the Auckland District Court about 9am with his lawyer and two personal security staff.

Israel Adesanya - Figure 1
Photo New Zealand Herald

Court documents show the international star was charged with driving a car on Wellesley St in Auckland Central with 87 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood. The legal limit is 50 milligrams.

Israel Adesanya after pleading guilty to driving over the legal alcohol limit. Photo / Dean Purcell

“I want to apologise to the community, my family and my team for the decision I made to get behind the wheel after drinking at dinner,” Adesanya said in a statement provided to the Herald.

“I was pulled over and gave an evidentiary blood test - the reading was 87 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood.”

Israel Adesanya - Figure 2
Photo New Zealand Herald

He added: “I am disappointed with my decision to drive, It was wrong.

“I know that people might follow me and I want them to know I do not think this behaviour is acceptable.”

The maximum penalty for the charge is a term of imprisonment of three months or a fine of $4500.

Israel Adesanya pleaded guilty to drink driving at the Auckland District Court. Photo / Dean Purcell

The date of the alleged offence is August 19 this year.

His blood alcohol result indicates he was only a shade over the threshold for being charged, which is 80 milligrams.

Israel Adesanya - Figure 3
Photo New Zealand Herald

His lawyer Karl Trotter sought that no conviction be entered, and this was granted by the judge.

Trotter said he would seek a discharge without conviction at sentencing on January 10.

He said he had nothing further to add, except to say that Adesanya was “feeling quite contrite”.

Adesanya did not respond to questions from the Herald upon leaving the court through a rear exit.

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