Update 2 3 October 2024 Dunedin Weather Event

2 days ago
Dunedin weather

Thursday, 3 October 2024, 4:07 pm
Press Release: Dunedin City Council

Dunedin (Thursday, 3 October 2024) – Residents in low-lying parts of the city, including in South Dunedin, are being encouraged to check for weather updates regularly as the heavy rain event continues to unfold in Dunedin.

Civil Defence Controller Rob West says the slow-moving and prolonged heavy rainfall is forecast to continue until late on Friday and has already prompted a Heavy Rain Warning – Red from the MetService.

“This weather system is also coming in from the east, which we know from past experience can cause flooding in parts of Dunedin when the weather system stalls and heavy rain continues in one location.

“It’s important that everyone keeps up to date with the latest information as the situation develops into this evening, including via the DCC website and social media channels.”

Dunedin’s Civil Defence Bunker has activated and sandbags are available in South Dunedin (Dunedin Ice Stadium carpark), Mosgiel (Mosgiel Memorial Park gym carpark) and at the Middlemarch Showgrounds.

High demand for sandbags is causing some traffic congestion at the Dunedin Ice Stadium, and Mr West asks everyone seeking sandbags to be patient.

The prolonged rainfall is also causing some surface flooding on roads around the city, and there is a risk of more, as well as slips in some locations, as the weather event continues.

A section of Old Brighton Road is currently closed due to flooding.

The DCC’s 3 Waters stormwater pumps across the city are functioning well, and our contractors and staff are monitoring the network and will respond to any issues through the night.

River levels in Dunedin and elsewhere are being monitored by the Otago Regional Council.

“We ask everyone to be patient, look out for each other and keep a close eye on reliable sources of information as this event continues,” Mr West says.

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