Celebrity Treasure Island episode 17: The final three are revealed ...

15 hours ago
The challenge was like taking a p*ss in the wind. Photo / TVNZ

But the tube is narrow and the wind is whipping up, causing what little water they collect to spray everywhere except on target.

Celebrity Treasure Island - Figure 1
Photo New Zealand Herald

“Have you ever tried taking a p*ss into the wind?” Cullen muses. “It’s probably what it’s like today.”

Tomasel observes that their efforts, “remind me of when some people use the toilet and never get it in”.

Perhaps taking inspiration from the women in his life, Foliaki tries a different tactic. He sits his bucket on top of the tube and lets the water gush out of the bottom holes, rather than trying to aim from height. Rolleston notices his technique and copies it.

It’s impossible to tell who’s leading through the opaque tubes. Folikai second-guesses himself and switches back to pouring. It’s a fatal mistake as Rolleston’s key bobbles to the top shortly after.

Rolleston secures his spot in the finals. Photo / TVNZ

“James collects his key!” Savali shouts. “James is going to the final, baby!”

Celebrity Treasure Island - Figure 2
Photo New Zealand Herald

Bubbah, Cullen and Foliaki are herded to their next challenge. It’s Connect Four played with giant slingshots.

Cullen and Foliaki leave Bubbah behind as they pepper their boards with shots, hoping to connect the necessary four through sheer luck and brute speed. They’re neck and neck, both just one connection away from victory.

“JP lands his fourth one!” Tomasel shouts. “He’s going through to the Final Three!”

Foliaki leaves the two friends to duke it out. Photo / TVNZ

Foliaki’s victory has set up a heartbreaking elimination between Bubbah and Cullen, the pair who instantly gravitated towards each other to form the Island’s strongest bond.

Bubbah sums up the situation succinctly, saying, “It sucks, eh.”

“If it comes to an end tonight, don’t feel sad for old granddad over here,” Cullen jokes, “and I won’t feel sad for old granddaughter.”

Celebrity Treasure Island - Figure 3
Photo New Zealand Herald

The final challenge sees the pair lining up giant domino pieces on a wobbly beam and then toppling them to knock their final piece over the finish line.

Bubbah is confident. “Easy-peasy, lemon squeezy,” she scoffs.

She rushes to an early lead. And then rushes behind when her beam tilts to drop a handful of her pieces onto the ground.

“I’ve actually got to distribute the weight properly,” she learns.

It's a heartbreaking elimination between Bubbah and Cullen. Photo / TVNZ

Meanwhile, Cullen makes slow but steady progress.

“Keeping this thing level is next to impossible,” he sighs, carefully placing another of his pieces onto the beam.

“This is getting down to the wire!” Savali shouts. “I do not know who’s going to win this!”

But then, disaster! An errant placement from Cullen causes his beam to rock ever-so-slightly. It’s enough to send his dominos crashing down.

Celebrity Treasure Island - Figure 4
Photo New Zealand Herald

“Oh no!” Savali shouts. “Cully has to start again!”

With only a few pieces left to place, Bubbah can taste victory. She contains her excitement and keeps her pace slow as she inches her pieces further towards the end of the beam. This forces Cullen to rush to catch up but he only succeeds in sending his pieces falling to the ground for a second time.

“Oh, man, I’m out, I’m gone,” he cries, as Bubbah goes to place her final piece.

But then, catastrophe! As Bubbah walks towards the win a gentle puff of wind topples her entire domino line. She howls in frustration and slams her final piece into the ground.

“I don’t even have time to panic,” she says, grabbing her dominos off the ground and putting them back on the beam.

The remaining contestants just couldn't catch a break. Photo / TVNZ

Cullen tries a different strategy. He places dominos at each end and works towards the middle, hoping to keep the beam balanced. It doesn’t work. His dominos fall again.

Celebrity Treasure Island - Figure 5
Photo New Zealand Herald

With only a couple of dominos left to place, Bubbah is close to victory. She carefully places one on the beam while the others cascade to the ground.

Neither can catch a break. Their pieces tumble over and over and over again.

“We have been in this stressful battle for 35 minutes!” Savali shouts as Bubbah’s dominos clatter to the ground behind him.

Somehow, Cullen miraculously manages to get all his dominos in a balanced row. He tiptoes back to the start. Nervously, he pushes the first one. It topples beautifully, setting off a chain of falling dominos. But just after the midpoint, the line goes wonky as dominos fly in every direction. But whether it’s due to his careful placement of plain ol’ good luck the chain stays alive, knocking the final piece down.

But did it cross the line? No one can tell. Savali calls for the decision to go to the Television Match Official, who watches the replay in slow-mo.

Celebrity Treasure Island - Figure 6
Photo New Zealand Herald
It's a bittersweet victory for Cullen. Photo / TVNZ

“I’m stressed to be fair,” Cullen admits. “Forty minutes on this challenge is long enough for me.”

“It looks like that last domino just goes over the front!” Savali eventually shouts. “Cully is going to the final! And sends Bubbah home!”

For Cullen, victory is bittersweet.

“I’m happy, but I feel for Bubbah,” he says, as they both hold back tears. “I always said she’s awesome.”

“I’m feeling okay,” Bubbah says, drying her eyes, “because I fought a good fight. I’m sad though cos I won’t be in the fight with those guys.”

Then she flashes her infectious smile and giggles, “But I’m gonna have Fomo!” as her time on the island comes to an end.

Celebrity Treasure Island airs Mondays to Wednesdays at 7.30pm on TVNZ 2 and is available on TVNZ+.

Karl Puschmann is an entertainment columnist for the Herald. His fascination lies in finding out what drives and inspires creative people.

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