Op Elba Police Seek Video At Time Of Blockhouse Bay Murder

19 days ago
Blockhouse Bay

Sunday, 25 August 2024, 2:26 pm
Press Release: New Zealand Police

Police investigating the death of a man in Blockhouse Bay are appealing for information from the public.

Detective Inspector Glenn Baldwin, Auckland City CIB, says Police continue to make enquiries to locate the person responsible.

“This is an absolute tragedy, and investigators are working hard to establish the circumstances leading to, and following the murder.

“While the investigation is in its early stages, we urgently need information from the public that could assist Police.

“We are eager to gather any CCTV, dashcam or security footage from the Blockhouse Bay area around 11.30am yesterday.”

Police would also like to speak to anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity around the Rathlin Street area.

“While we remain open-minded, Police believe the offender may have left the scene on foot following the incident.

“We are providing support to those who witnessed what occurred and we would like to speak to anyone who has not yet contacted us.”

There will be a visible Police presence in the area as the scene examination continues today.

"We understand how unsettling this event will be for our community and we are carrying out reassurance patrols in the area around the clock."

Formal identification of the victim is expected to be completed today, and a post-mortem examination is under way.

While Police will be continuing door to door enquiries, if you have any information that could assist Police in our investigation, please contact us as soon as possible.

Information can be provided through 105 or online at https://www.police.govt.nz/use-105 , using ‘Update My Report’.

Please reference Operation ELBA, file number 240824/4136.

Alternatively, information can be provided anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.

Further updates will be provided proactively when available.

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