An old favourite V energy drink just made a sneaky comeback and ...

21 Jun 2024
Black V

After what felt like ages (alright, just a few years, but who's counting?), Black V has officially made its comeback.

For those of us who’ve been hanging out for that midnight-black can and its ‘I'm dying here’ energy kick, this is the news we’ve been waiting on.

After being discontinued in 2013, the can was brought back for a good time - not a long one - back in 2018. Since then, Kiwis have been banging on about bringing it back.

So tell me why this comeback almost flew under the radar with not a sound from V New Zealand’s socials?!

We only caught wind of it from one of our stoked digi team members who made it her mission to snag a can after spotting V’s self-proclaimed top fan @itsthatvgirl hyping it all week.

Kiwis shared their excitement in the comments, with one writing: “Will absolutely cut a mish for one right now ????????????.”

“Not me buying 12 straight away this morning ????????????,” another commented.

While a third said: “This here is a game changer!”

The biggest difference we notice is that Black V is now rocking a new look that’s sleeker alongside its recently revamped Green and Blue can cuzzies.

And the taste? Our sources say it’s spot-on like the old days. That blend of coffee and citrus is still confusing our taste buds.

Right, that’s it! I’m off to hunt out a can and get the nostalgic hit I need to end the week on a high.

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