Intrepid Travel Backs NZs Reef Heron For Bird Of The Year 2024

3 days ago
Bird of the Year

Sunday, 15 September 2024, 12:31 am
Press Release: Intrepid Travel

2 September 2024 – Intrepid Travel is backing New Zealand’s charismatic coastal ninja, the reef heron, in this year’s Bird of the Year competition.

From September 2 to 15, Intrepid Travel will donate $1 AUD to Forest & Bird New Zealand via The Intrepid Foundation (TIF) for every vote cast for the reef heron, up to $5,000 AUD.

Bird of the Year is an annual campaign by Forest & Bird, New Zealand’s leading independent conservation organisation, aimed at raising awareness and protecting wildlife and wild places, on land and in the sea.

“Climate change and habitat destruction pose significant threats to Aotearoa’s native species,” Biheng Zhang, General Manager of Intrepid Foundation says.

“The reef heron, known for its quirky hunting dances and stealthy moves, is one of many native birds that play a crucial role in New Zealand’s ecosystems. Unfortunately, their numbers are declining due to habitat loss. By supporting Bird of the Year, we can help Forest & Bird continue their essential conservation efforts.”

The dark grey reef heron, or Matuku Moana, is often seen along the northern coasts of New Zealand's North Island. Famous for their comical hunting styles and sneaky tactics, these birds are masters of disguise.

Together, TIF and Forest & Bird are dedicated to protecting these remarkable birds and their habitats.

The winner of the Bird of the Year competition will be announced on September 16.

About The Intrepid Foundation

The Intrepid Foundation is the not-for-profit arm of Intrepid Travel, the world’s largest adventure travel company, on a mission to create positive impact through the joy of travel, community and connection. The registered charity does this by carefully selecting local partners who are creating positive solutions across a range of issues impacting the communities Intrepid travellers visit, from inequality and economic development to environmental restoration and wildlife protection. Since its inception in 2002, the Intrepid Foundation has raised over AU $16 million for more than 160 partners around the world. Intrepid Travel absorbs all administration costs so that100% of donationscan go directly to community causes. Each of its 900+ itineraries is aligned to a local or global partner and in 2024, the company is matching public contributions up to $1 million.

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