Full snow moon on Saturday, February 24 will encourage you to put ...

23 Feb 2024
Full moon

This Saturday, February 24, at 1:30pm., the second full moon of the year aka ‘full snow moon’ will shine in the sign of Virgo. Sandra Marinelli, holistic guide, enlightens us on her energies.

Each month, the lunar cycles allows us to walk consciously. These moments can be a gentle reminder to slow down and take some time for yourself. The new moon phase invites introspection and taking action, while the full moon invites observation and letting go. Indeed, during full moons, the energies are at their peak. Like the moon which is full and shining in the sky, we are invited to observe what is happening within us.

The “full snow moon” of February 2024

This full moon is usually called the “full snow moon” due to the snowfall common during this time of year. Whether or not you are in a snowy environment, nature's cycles always allow us to reconnect with our own inner cycles. The full snow moon symbolises the stripping away of unnecessary things in your life before the end of winter.

3 things to do during the full moon on February 24, 2024

1. Put things in order

To do this with ease, you can get closer to the energies of the sign where the full moon is located: at this moment, it is Virgo. Virgo knows how to anticipate and organise things in advance and thus, has peace of mind. She moves forward with serenity. Do you recognise yourself in this? If not, take it as an invitation to put your affairs in order. You can take the time to empty/sort/clean/purify your living space (cupboards but also papers, schedules, etc.) in a gentle and caring way. This moment should give you serenity and satisfaction. The power of the full moon in Virgo will support you in these tasks which bring an improvement in your daily life and help you preserve your personal energy. It’s also the perfect time to put your thoughts in order.

2. Write to make space within yourself

Take advantage of the energies of this full moon to have some grounding time (Virgo being an Earth sign). Write down your thoughts in your journaling notebook or on paper without filter or censorship. Let your hand go without trying to make nice turns of phrases. This allows you to start making room within yourself to welcome renewal (like cupboards that are too full and sometimes need a good sorting to accommodate new things that you really like) and also relieves you of mental burdens that can tire you. Observe what comes to light. What does the moon want to illuminate in you for this phase? Let yourself be guided by this voice to connect to the energies of the full moon. Try listening to a guided meditation on YouTube before your writing exercise (or whenever you wish).

3. Purify yourself with water

In addition, we are starting Pisces season (where the sun is just located for a month). You can therefore take advantage of this full moon and the beginning of Pisces to take care of yourself with the element of water. Indeed, the full moon and Pisces can lead us to strong emotions and questioning. Water can soothe and balance everything. Take a bath or shower mindfully and visualise that the water harmonises our body, our thoughts, our emotions. When the water leaves, it keeps with it what no longer serves us, what we want to get rid of permanently.

Mantras for this phase of the year:“I make space around me and within me.”“I decide to live the next cycles with an open heart.”“I move forward with serenity.”“I trust.”

This article first appeared on Vogue.fr

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